
The JavaScript Rest Parameter, Pt. 2

Here's another example, this time it's accessing a string value inside of an array of objects:

function getLabelsHtml(text, sender, ...staffObjs) {
    return staffObjs.map(staffObj => 
`<div class="label-card">
    <p>Dear ${staffObj.name}</p>
    <p>Best wishes,</p>

Set a couple of string variables:

const text = 'Thank you for all your hard work throughout the year! '
const sender = 'Tom'

And now we call the function below, which renders the HTML:

document.getElementById('labels-container').innerHTML = getLabelsHtml(
    {name: 'Sally'}, 
    {name: 'Mike'}, 
    {name: 'Rob'}, 
    {name: 'Harriet'}

And here's the output (HTML and CSS excluded):

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